Historic Excavation Kicks Off at Ramgram
The Department of Archeology has started excavation at the historical and archeological site, Panditpur, of Ramgram-18 in West Nawalparasi.

The Department of Archeology has started excavation at the historical and archeological site, Panditpur, of Ramgram-18 in West Nawalparasi.
Excavation works are being carried out after structures dating back to the sixth century were found in course of geophysics survey. The excavation work would run for 21 days, it is said.
Mayor of Ramgram, Dhanapat Yadav, said the federal, province and local governments have allocated necessary budget for the excavation.
Senior archeological officer Bhaskar Gyawali said excavation works began at the place where a round shaped archeological structure was found in course of geophysics survey.
Panditpur has been claimed as the capital of ancient Koliya state and the parental home of Buddha's mother.
Utensils, pond and bricks from the eighth century were found at Panditpur in course of excavation carried out by the Department from 2068 to 2072.
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